User's guide

Clik on the link Sign up on the home page or click on the shadow in the banner then on the link To create your personal account to sign up for free.

IMPORTANT: Creating an account offers a free subscription valid for 10 days.

Click on collaboractor.com in the banner anywhere in the website to return to the home page or to your personal page if you are identified.



Click on the shadow in the banner of the home page or on the Connection button. Enter with your email address and your password.

To connect directly with your Google account without entering a password, register with the same email address and click on the button  Connect with Google to be redirected to the identification form of Google. NOTE: You still need to specify a password to protect your account.

IMPORTANT: To receive a new password automatically by email, click on the link If you have forgotten your password on the identification page.

Click on the disconnect button in the banner to close your personal space and return to the public home page.

NOTE: Accessing your account is automatically locked after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Your personal home page displays your identification code and your email address.

You can edit your email address and the name and the address printed on your invoices or change your password. Your identification code in 6 small letters is displayed in bold. You cannot change it.


To add a document in your personal space, click on the upload button in the control panel at the right of the wall or drag and drop a document on the wall to the left of the control panel. The file is transferred in blocks of 100 kB. The progression is shown by a percentage. Once the copy is done, an image of the first page of the document is displayed on the wall.

Click on an image to select the corresponding file. Click on a selected image to deselect it. Move the mouse over an image to display the name of the file.

Select a file and click on the download button or hold down the Shift key and click on an image to open a file.

Select a file and click on the trash can to delete it.


Select a file and click on the edit button to edit it.


Check the option Pineappli in the parameters of your personal account to activate the access to the folder of the safe by Pineappli you share with Collaboractor. A link to the connection form will be displayed on your home page.


Study the API manual to edit documents directly inside another website. Check the option REST  API in the parameters of your personal account to authorize calling it.


Press the assistance button to toggle the display of help messages.

The service inserts help messages in the content of the website. You can hide or show them at will by clicking on the question mark displayed to the right of your name at the top of your home page. You may deactivate help messages globally in the configuration of your account.


To edit files, you must purchase an annual subscription for 10 EUR plus tax. The payment is done directly online. As soon as the payment is confirmed, your files can be edited.

Before you can buy your subscription, you will have to complete your account information with a billing name and a billing address.


All your payments are listed on your account page. You can print your bills at any time.


Call the service API


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